
Our Worship

We worship in a way that might be different from what you’ve experienced before. We don’t classify our services as traditional or contemporary. Our services are liturgical, meaning we follow a pattern of worship each week.

This pattern involves the singing of songs — both ancient and newly written.

Each week we read four different passages from Scripture, typically one reading from the Old Testament, a Psalm, a New Testament reading, and a reading from one of the Gospels.

Each week a sermon is preached on one of the readings, and we respond to the sermon by reciting the Nicene Creed. This reminds us of the content of our faith, the nature of God, and it gives us an opportunity to respond to God’s Word in faith.

Each week we have a time of prayer. We pray for our church, our nation, and the world. We pray for the poor and those who are alone. We offer our own petitions or thanksgivings either silently or aloud.

Each week we celebrate Holy Communion. All who are baptized and are seeking to follow Jesus are welcome at the Lord’s Table.

Come as you are.  We are a diverse group of people redeemed by the work of Jesus Christ.  You have a place at our table.